The corporate office of ASEA and independent ASEA consultants around the world host events and gatherings. Here are just a few of what is happening in our global home business.
**As we continue to monitor the effects of COVID-19 around the world our ASEA associates stay connected with social distancing via phone, email, and video conferencing. Read the following list of online events and the CANCELLATIONS for local events around the world.
Online Calls, Video Conferences, & Webinars
Many of our ASEA associates having been using a wide range of video and web technology to communicate and now with social distancing recommendations around the world many of our physical events have been canceled or postponed and more and more video conference calls and online webinars are being offered. If you want to get connected – let us know.
- Facbook virtual meetings – keep an eye on Facebook posts for additional virtual meetings!
- Sept 25-16: ASEA 2020 Webvention – this year’s virtual convention… the WebVention.
- April 21: Presidential Triple Diamond Trish Schwenkler on the monthly “Leadership Webinar”. Trish spoke about “The 3 Stages of Network Marketing“, and how she went from being a full-time mom and housewife to creating a huge global organization.
A Team Support Events

Our Global Home Business, Bob and Trish Schwenkler support their team of ASEA associates with A Team Support. If you are an associate in our team, please contact us for access to this valuable resource of information, webinars and events.
North America and South America
- July 25 – Frisco, TX. Super Saturday
- September 24-26 – Anaheim, CA. The annual ASEA Global Convention.
Australia, New Zealand, & Asia
- February 28, 2021 – Australia – Peak Performance Training
- March 2021 – Asia Grand Openings: Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and The Philippines. Watch for details
If you need help finding local ASEA events or associates contact us.
- September: 2020
- August: 2020
- July: 2020
- June: 2020
- April: 2020
- March: 2020
- February: 2020
- Initial post-January 7, 2020