5 Steps to Evaluate Top MLM
Product, People, Plan, Positioning, & PartnersIf you are thinking about an MLM opportunity you will want to do your due diligence to determine if it is a good fit for you and if it’s a top MLM company. We recommend five areas or five steps to evaluate if it is a top MLM company. You should look at the product(s), the company, the compensation plan, the market position, and the partners (the leaders and associates). Read on to delve into these five areas as well to see where ASEA stands as an MLM company.
5 Steps to Evaluate Top MLM Companies:

Is the MLM product different, sustainable, and provide an advantage?
Different? ASEA stands in a class of its own in the emerging scientific field of Redox Signaling Molecules. Every day more research and published articles are appearing about Redox Signaling, making it one of the fastest-growing research fields in science BUT there is only one patent-protected Redox Signaling product in the world- ASEA!
Sustainable? ASEA is backed by 16 years of foundational research and multiple patents to ensure that its unique process is totally protected. You won’t see Redox Signaling molecule knock-offs showing up on the shelves of your local big-box retailer. ASEA’s difference is sustainable.
Advantage? The Redox Signaling Molecules in ASEA support the vital activity of cellular repair and replacement that are necessary for optimal cellular health. The ASEA advantage is significant—people everywhere are experiencing the amazing power that Redox Signaling molecules provide. This is a product that absolutely offers a genuine advantage to consumers.

What makes a stellar MLM company is the people behind it.
With Founder Verdis Norton’s Fortune 100 principles of strategic success as a base, ASEA has been profitable since year one and has developed a fantastic corporate culture and ethos unlike any we’ve seen. Everything ASEA does is guided by a singular commitment to the personal development and education of the Associates. Because of this unparalleled commitment, ASEA meetings and training are totally new experiences to even the most seasoned network marketing veterans.
“Never in the industry have we seen a company taking such responsibility for the personal and professional development and education of its Associates.”
–Anna Gallman, Gold Executive
…learn more about the founders and the company

What types of compensation plans does the MLM company have?
Whether you’re a professional looking to opt-out of the daily nine-to-five grind, a stay-at-home mom wanting to boost your budget, or an entrepreneur with a desire to build a substantial, full-time residual income, ASEA offers you the chance to achieve your personal and financial goals, from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars a month, or at the highest ranks tens of thousands of dollars per month. ASEA has a robust MLM compensation plan.

What industry is the MLM company in and how is it positioned for growth?
Many companies show the curves predicting explosive growth that is the trademark of successful Network Marketing companies… yet very few ever get to the point of sustained, explosive growth. ASEA was profitable after its first year and has laid a solid foundation while expanding from the US and Canada into 17 European countries.
ASEA is solidly positioned in two Trillion dollar markets- Wellness and Athletics. In short, now is the time to join with a top ASEA leader with a company on it’s way to achieving legacy status.

Your partners in an MLM, network marketing business are the team you work with. You will be developing your own team, but you are also part of a larger team (an upline). How successful are the top earners? And who will you be working with?
Lastly, but certainly not least, is to evaluate who you will be working with. Trish and Bob Schwenkler are experienced networking professionals who can help move YOU to higher and higher levels! We are attracting top network marketing professionals as well as first-time networkers.
You’ll have access to our time-proven, duplicable system for success brought vividly to life via our training sites and calls. Through these systems, you’ll connect with fellow Associates, receive ongoing product training, and hear inspiring stories that you can use to build your business. We help make the learning curve natural and fun and you’ll be more confident than ever with your home-based network marketing business.
ASEA leaders are earning serious money! We have the fastest growing team with almost 200 Diamond+ ranks in our organization and 20 Millionaire Club Members and we’re just getting just started!
Our vision is to build a huge group of successful home-based ASEA business builders (full and part-time), choosing to go beyond the typical by engaging, each day, in principles and methods that create fun, energetic, positive growth. …read more about us
Take the time to evaluate these five aspects of a network marketing opportunity to determine if it is a TOP MLM.
If you want to evaluate the ASEA MLM opportunity to see if it is a good fit for you – Contact us!
1. Products
2. Company
3. Plan
4. Positioning
5. Partners
Join with an ASEA Leader