LABOR DAY, Monday, September 3rd, 2018 is an annual celebration of American workers.

labor day

It is celebrated in cities and towns across the United States with parades, picnics, barbecues, fireworks displays, and other public gatherings.

DID YOU KNOW that this American holiday originated during the late 1800s when the average American worked 12-hours a day 7-days a week in order to eke out a basic living? Children as young as 5 toiled in mills, factories, and mines across the country. People often faced unsafe working conditions, with insufficient access to fresh air, sanitary facilities, or breaks.

Although conditions are so much better for the average American worker today, even those lucky enough to have a job that they love still spend the majority of their waking hours trading their time and labor for money. Hour by hour, week after week and year after year. When they stop working, the money stops coming. If they get sick and cannot work, they cannot earn.

DID YOU KNOW that in NETWORK MARKETING, the average person can leverage not only their own work but the hours worked by their entire network? I may work 2 hours a day on my business yet EARN based on the 1,000 hours of work done that day by my entire team.

It may take a lot of work, in the beginning, to get “off the ground”, but how many jobs allow you the ability to stop working for any amount of time while still earning? Often based on hard work you did years ago.

Network Marketing is an incredible opportunity for the average person. Yes, we labor… to build a business with potential for more freedom and time to do other things we love besides working.

DID YOU KNOW that often we earn even more income than we did when we were trading our own time for money?!

It’s a beautiful thing!