ASEA Redox Signaling Molecule productsDID YOU KNOW that Redox Signaling Molecules are produced within the mitochondria of every one of our cells and support virtually every major body system and function?

They are messenger molecules that are critical to our cells’ ability to protect, repair, and rejuvenate themselves. Life would be impossible without them.

DID YOU KNOW that one of the roles of these signaling molecules is to detect problem areas in the body and address these by mobilizing efficient renewal of old cells, damaged cells, and unhealthy cells?

Internal production of these molecules declines with age.

Toxins in our diet, water, and air can damage cells. Injuries, drugs, and even too much sun can damage cells. Damaged cells become less efficient and create fewer Redox Signaling Molecules. Can you see how this can create a downward spiral for our health?

DID YOU KNOW that when we have an insufficient supply of Redox Signaling Molecules to keep up with our needs, symptoms of aging accelerate, illness is more likely and also more difficult to overcome, injuries are harder to repair? Our body’s innate ability to mend, rejuvenate, and maintain homeostasis is weakened.

ASEA’s technology has created a way to supplement these molecules. Every bottle of ASEA and every tube of RENU 28 is 3rd-party BioAgilytix-certified to contain trillions of them. They are in a balanced, bio-active form and are ready to do their work instantly.

DID YOU KNOW that every organ and body system needs healthy, efficient cells in order to perform optimally? Supplementing our supply of Redox Signaling Molecules benefits our entire body! Health improvements and anti-aging results are the norms for consumers of our groundbreaking products.