ASEA Triple Diamond Executive
Hong Kong, Australia
Winnie Wong had a career in the banking industry until she realized what she truly desired was to become an entrepreneur. And she wanted to find a way to become a successful entrepreneur by helping people in a significant way.
When she discovered ASEA’s redox technology, she felt it was a perfect fit for her. She has built her successful Triple Diamond ASEA business using her phone, the local coffee shop, zoom meetings, and home meetings.
Winnie loves to help people take control of their own health, and, for those with an entrepreneurial mindset, to help them improve their financial conditions and have more freedom.
She believes that with love and caring, you can become a great problem solver!
Winnie loves this quote by Jim Rohn: “Success is not to be pursued, it is to be attracted by the person we become.”
Since she began taking ASEA Redox Cell Signaling Supplement, she finds she has a stronger immune system. “I no longer catch the ‘seasonal flu’ the way I used to. I have more energy and mental clarity, and I look at least 10 years younger.”
Winnie speaks at ASEA events in Australia, where she now lives, and in Hong Kong, where she has built a large ASEA team.
If you are interested in speaking with Winnie Wong, contact us and we’ll get you connected.