As we create our intentions, set our goals, and open ourselves to all that is good for us in 2019, let’s remember the power of affirmations and attitude.

DID YOU KNOW that Trish Schwenkler credits the practice of daily affirmations to much of her success as a top earner at ASEA?

Please take a few minutes to watch this short video clip of Trish Schwenkler speaking about using affirmations and the importance of attitude.

The Power of Affirmation

Tips with Trish Video Series

Remember: Each day speak out loud in the present tense and with enthusiasm. Say what you intend to get to get that day and what you intend to give.

DID YOU KNOW that Trish shares her favorite affirmations with fellow ASEA Associates in the password protected To find them all you need to do is log-in, look on the Home Page, for the box with “What is ALIFT” and scroll down to the link for “A = Attitude”.

I took my affirmations from various sources and edited to meet my needs. Feel free to edit them to meet your needs! And remember Jim Rohn’s famous wise words: ‘Affirmation without discipline is delusion.’

Trish Schwenkler

Trish used affirmations and attitude to build her business and inspires others with her enthusiastic, can-do attitude!

Want to learn more about starting a wellness business with ASEA? Contact Trish Schwenkler.