Aviva Goreshnik ASEA Canada

ASEA Platinum Associate


Aviva Goreshnik joined ASEA in 2016 when the product caught her attention. Both of her parents were medical physicians that became naturopathic doctors. Consequently, she was raised in a home that stressed the importance of health and well-being through diet and exercise. She ate only organic foods, worked out, and took a natural approach to virtually everything she did. The ASEA technology made sense to her because it complimented her lifestyle.

Aviva’s academic training includes a degree in Business and professional certification in Human Resource Management. Upon graduation she entered the corporate world and began working in the skyscrapers of downtown Toronto. Pretty quickly, she realized that the demands placed upon her with respect to her time and, more significantly her ethics, were unreasonable.

She returned to the university and acquired a degree in Education. She spent the next fifteen years teaching senior level business courses in an elite private school.

Aviva says she discovered over time that she was looking for ways to reinvent herself professionally. She was reluctant to surrender the generous compensation, security, and benefits offered to
educators in her province, so the dream of opening her own business felt outside her comfort zone and beyond what she considered an acceptable risk.

However, she continued to feel that there was more she could do.

Aviva Goreshnik ASEA Canada

After using ASEA products for a quite a while and feeling the great benefits of redox signaling molecules, she began to consider the ASEA MLM business opportunity – one that would allow work from home while keeping her job as a teacher.

Aviva came to love ASEA’s mission statement: “To better people’s lives and to be a force for good in the world.” She appreciated the sincerity of those that drive the ASEA leaders and came to see that a ‘family leadership structure’ was in place. She felt she had a role to play in this mission-driven company and began an ASEA business in 2017.

“This was an empowering epiphany. The fulfillment I experience through helping others is emotionally and spiritually gratifying. Knowing that I am a catalyst for good in the world by sharing ASEA pushes me to engage enthusiastically, methodically and relentlessly.

Consequently, the financial byproduct of my engagement began to grow exponentially and now, I am pleased to say that I am living a lifestyle that I had always wanted, but did not truly see on the horizon a few short years ago. Indeed, this opportunity became my passion. The ASEA ethos has led me to be more grateful, more caring, and more resolved to pursue excellence in all things.

“I believe that in business, and in all things, relationships matter above all else. Relationships, once made, must be nurtured, sustained and maintained. They are as unique as the individuals involved and just as complex.

“Accordingly, in order to mentor new professionals and lead our team, I consciously strive to be empathetic, to find the motivation behind behaviours, to act with integrity and collaborate in good faith. I believe through active listening and reflective questioning I contribute to ensuring we have ‘team unity’. I make a point of offering as much support as I can to anyone joining us and then, as people feel ready, engage others in a scaffolded approach to distributive leadership.

“I take great joy in seeing how one Associate is able to reach out and help another. How one will jump into the discussion with a contribution and still another will volunteer to help in developing an initiative. This is just one of the many intangible rewards of working with ASEA. Leadership is easily recognizable but difficult to define. Certainly, great leaders model excellence and lead from the front. Great leaders also know when and more importantly, how to let others shine.”
~ Aviva Goreshnik

If you are looking to start an ASEA business in Canada and would like to speak with Aviva Goreshnik. Fill out the form or contact us and we’ll get you connected!

ASEA Leader Spotlight | ASEA Leaders