
An Entrepreneur

An Entrepreneur

The definition of an entrepreneur according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is "one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise". But they are also someone that makes things happen. An entrepreneur usually takes an idea and makes...

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I Never Lose

I Never Lose

Nelson Mandela has been an inspiration to many. Like a great book, what he says is meaningful on many levels. This quote for instance "I never lose. Either I win or I learn" has been posted, tweeted, re-quoted by many. Entrepreneurs, in particular, have found this to...

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Meeting ASEA Associates from Around the World

2017 ASEA ASCENT Bahamas Cruise Recently, Independent ASEA Associates from around the world gathered together on the 2017 ASCENT Cruise. Click to watch the video below and hear from people with ASEA businesses around the world. You'll see a quick cameo photo of me,...

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Healthier Cells

Healthier Cells

DID YOU KNOW that ASEA Redox Supplement has been shown to make positive shifts in blood serum biomarkers over a 24-hour period, beginning within the first 30 minutes? As soon as you drink it, it starts working and keeps working all day. Our ability to stay healthy and...

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If You Want To Be Successful

If You Want To Be Successful

Entrepreneurial Success To be a successful entrepreneur you don't always have to do it on your own. Yes, it is your business and yes, you can develop a team. But many entrepreneurs have mentors or look to join master mind groups where they can share ideas with their...

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More Companies Choosing Network Marketing

More Companies Choosing Network Marketing

In the book "Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional", Eric Worre discusses how to become a successful network marketing professional but also WHY companies are choosing to sell their products via the network marketing business model. “More and...

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ASEA – New Significant Science

ASEA – New Significant Science

DID YOU KNOW that a new clinical study has been done on ASEA at the most sophisticated and credible genetic lab in North America? The game-changing results of this study are Top Secret until the 2017 ASEA Global Convention in Salt Lake City, Sept 27-29! Will you be...

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Rich Dad Poor Dad – WHY MLM Network Marketing

Robert Kiyosaki talking about the benefits of a network marketing business in this video. The letters in the quadrant, the E S B I quadrant, outline the different personalities in the world of money: E=Employee (safe secure with benefits - the mindset of an employee)...

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Using ASEA Around the Eyes

Using ASEA Around the Eyes

DID YOU KNOW that redox serum, which is more concentrated than the redox gel, which is more concentrated than the redox supplement, can be applied around the eyes for improved eye health? Not just for a decrease in wrinkles? “In February 2017 when I was dealing with a...

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What the Richest People Do

What the Richest People Do

This quote by Robert Kiyosaki is meaningful to us. It explains what we do beyond the words "network marketing". Robert Kiyosaki is the author of the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and numerous other books to educate people about finances, networking, employment, and being...

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