ASEA Claims and Patents

ASEA Claims and Patents

ASEA Redox Certified DID YOU KNOW that ASEA Redox is not only certified by a third-party bioanalysis lab to contain powerful cellular messenger molecules that help protect, restore, and rejuvenate cells but that their presence and power have been scientifically proven...
Gene Signaling and Cell Signaling

Gene Signaling and Cell Signaling

DID YOU KNOW that when gene signaling and cell signaling are going really well, bodily function and repair can perform optimally? DID YOU KNOW that genes and DNA provide blueprint instructions for the functioning of every cell in our body? DID YOU KNOW that the...
Redox Signaling Biotechnology

Redox Signaling Biotechnology

DID YOU KNOW that ASEA’s redox signaling biotechnology had been researched and developed for many years by the companies Medical Discoveries, Inc. and Medical Immune Research, Inc.? DID YOU KNOW that the research performed by those two companies with plans to...