Google Scholar

Google Scholar

DID YOU KNOW that “Google Scholar” is a specialized search engine which looks much like Google search but searches only for scholarly articles? It is a free search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across a wide array of...
Everyday Athletes

Everyday Athletes

In the prior post we heard Olympians, Iron Men, and pofessional athletes talk about ASEA and it’s impact on their performance and recovery. However everyday athletes have also shared their improvements in both performance and recovery after taking ASEA...

ASEA Athletes

DID YOU KNOW that there is a beautiful new ASEA video featuring ASEA Athletes? The video is 7 minutes long. Although there is a shorter 2-minute version, the full 7-minute version is highly recommended for its inspiring and clear message about the positive impact ASEA...
Dr. Ann Louise Gittelman

Dr. Ann Louise Gittelman

DID YOU KNOW that Dr. Ann Louise Gittelman, who has a Ph.D. in Holistic Nutrition, has recommended ASEA in her latest book “The New Fat Flush Foods”? Ann Louise is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of over 30 books on health and nutrition....
Science and Nature

Science and Nature

Theodore Roszak’s quote “Nature composes some of her loveliest poems for the microscope and the telescope” reminds us of the relatively recent discovery of redox signaling molecules. For many years scientists did not know about the redox signaling messengers inside...
Dr. Gary Samuelson

Dr. Gary Samuelson

Dr. Gary Samuelson earned his doctorate in physics from the University of Utah with a specialty in atomic physics, in a cross-disciplinary program between the physics department and the medical school. As part of this program, Gary was trained in various aspects of...