ASEA Ambassador Triple Diamond

Dan Doyle has a business background. After working in a corporate position for a large bank for 7 years, he realised that he wanted to go into business for himself instead of working for someone else.
Over the next 20 years, he built 20 successful businesses. But in 2011, Dan’s health was failing terribly. Doctors diagnosed not one but two very serious health challenges.
For 2-½ years, he was in and out of the hospital and lost all of his hair as a result of treatments he received. After all of the treatments he was still very sick and looked nothing like his former strong and healthy self. Doctors finally gave him the news that they had done all they could do and that it was “time to get his affairs in order”.
Dietary changes and lots of supplements helped him feel better, he says, but none of his blood work changed.
In 2014, a friend told Dan about ASEA’s redox signaling molecules, that they might help his body’s own ability to heal and also give him the opportunity to work from home. His illness had been financially devastating. Dan says it was a hard pill to swallow to think about joining a network marketing company. He admits he thought people involved in MLM were crazy, and he did not believe in the MLM business model.

Dan experienced a shocking and exhilarating return to health. After 5 months on ASEA, he began telling everyone about redox signaling molecules and in a short period of time became one of the top 30 ASEA leaders in the world.

“I didn’t choose Network Marketing. Network Marketing chose me. It was by chance. Because of losing my health, I was looking for an answer to my life-threatening health issues when my friend reached out to me and handed me the incredible gift of ASEA.”
Dan Doyle
He and his wife Suzanne now travel the world full-time sharing their story and the story of ASEA.
“We are so grateful and blessed that we are healthy, thanks to this breakthrough redox signaling technology. We are also grateful to have a vehicle that has taken us from no money just a few short years ago, to financial freedom. We travel the world helping people to get where they want to go in life, taking them to their potential, and blessing as many lives as possible as ASEA has done for us.”
Dan Doyle