Start off YOUR New Year right by learning how ASEA’s new Triple Diamond, Donnellyn Dominquez starts her New Year!

Which tools she uses and the things she found most helpful and inspiring on her journey to Triple Diamond!! Her message to us: “Anyone can do this if they are consistent!”

HOW did Donnellyn achieve such success with ASEA?

Listen to her tell her story!

DID YOU KNOW that new ASEA Triple Diamond Donnellyn Dominquez was a full-time Certifed Professional Midwife for 16 years attending 1000+ births and owned a very large birthing center? She is in her 70’s and says she lacks computer skills. But because of the life-changing results she experienced for herself and others, she became determined to find a way to share ASEA with as many people as possible, full time.


Contact us to get in touch with Donnellyn Dominquez or another ASEA associate near you.