ASEA Triple Diamond Executive
Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong

Edwina Lee is a Founding Associate in Asia. She lives in Singapore and was already building a strong ASEA business in Asia before the official launch there.
When Edwina, her husband Vance, and their 4 children were introduced to ASEA by a friend in June of 2017, one of their children had a serious health problem that responded well to redox signaling molecules, and the other children also experienced benefits. They hoped to earn enough commission sharing ASEA to have the financial means to continue purchasing these products for the children.
Edwina has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business. She had left a job as a Corporate Executive (in Corporate Planning where she worked directly with the CEO in Corporate Workplace and Performance Management) to stay home and raise her children. She began to realize the golden financial opportunity that ASEA could offer her family. And the more research she did, the more she realized how many others could receive tremendous health benefits from ASEA’s redox technology.
She started meeting friends for coffee meetings. The coffee meetings grew as others also brought friends. She began giving live presentations and as her team grew, presentation attendance grew larger and events experienced a 90% sign-up success rate.

“I attract many people who were apprehensive of the MLM industry or had past hurts. They found that my team is sincere and warm. We value people’s well-being and give professional advice that respects them. One of my first criteria in looking for Associates is ‘Will you share this to help another, for free?’ Because of this, I have great leaders who exemplify servant leadership and are inspirational in their shine.”
~ Edwina Lee
Fluent in Chinese as well as in English, these days she often gives “Introduction to ASEA” online presentations in both English and Chinese. She presented important tips and “Keys to Success” at the 2020 ASEA International Global Convention.
“My husband is my best partner. We discuss and share the joys and the challenges of our ASEA business. He doesn’t do the business activities but the camaraderie that we share for the business has raised our conversation and relationship to a greater height. I enjoy creating what others think is impossible and love becoming a better version of myself. I lead by example, and I hope my enthusiasm speaks louder than my words.”
If you would like to communicate with Edwina
ASEA 三重钻石执行官
新加坡、马来西亚、香港 Edwina Lee 是亚洲的创始合伙人。她住在新加坡,在亚洲正式启动之前,她已经在亚洲建立了强大的 ASEA 业务。 2017 年 6 月,当 Edwina、她的丈夫 Vance 和他们的 4 个孩子被一位朋友介绍到 ASEA 时,他们的一个孩子有严重的健康问题,对氧化还原信号分子反应良好,其他孩子也受益。他们希望通过分享ASEA赚取足够的佣金,以便有经济能力继续为孩子们购买这些产品。
Edwina 拥有商业学士学位。她辞去了公司高管的工作(在公司规划部门,她直接与公司工作场所和绩效管理部门的 CEO 一起工作)留在家里抚养孩子。她开始意识到ASEA可以为她的家人提供的黄金经济机会。她做的研究越多,她就越意识到有多少人可以从 ASEA 的氧化还原技术中获得巨大的健康益处。 她开始与朋友见面喝咖啡。随着其他人也带来了朋友,咖啡会越来越多。她开始进行现场演示,随着团队的壮大,演示的出席人数也越来越多,活动的注册成功率达到了 90%。 “我吸引了许多担心传销行业或过去受过伤害的人。他们发现我的团队真诚而热情。我们重视人们的福祉,并提供尊重他们的专业建议。我寻找同事的首要标准之一是‘你愿意免费分享这个来帮助另一个人吗?’因此,我有伟大的领导者,他们是仆人式领导的典范,他们的光芒鼓舞人心。” - Edwina Lee
中英双语流利,近来她经常用中英文进行“介绍ASEA”的在线演讲。她在 2020 年 ASEA 国际全球大会上介绍了重要提示和“成功的关键”。 “我丈夫是我最好的伙伴。我们讨论并分享 ASEA 业务的乐趣和挑战。他不做商业活动,但我们为商业分享的友情将我们的谈话和关系提升到了更高的高度。我喜欢创造别人认为不可能的东西,喜欢成为更好的自己。我以身作则,我希望我的热情胜于雄辩。”