Verdis Norton - Father of ASEA

DID YOU KNOW that Verdis Norton is the Father of ASEA?

father of ASEA

Vertis Norton is the one who had the insight, courage, and vision to acquire and further develop our groundbreaking redox signaling technology and to ultimately set strategies in motion to make it as widely available as possible.

Verdis Norton retired from the Fortune 50 corporate world to Park City, Utah when he was in his mid-50s. He was introduced to redox signaling technology and soon came out of retirement to become the founder of ASEA. And launching the business with the direct selling business model. read more about Verdis Norton here.

Happy Father’s Day

June 22, 2020 – We hope you had a Happy Fathers’ Day, Verdis … The Father of ASEA! We would also like to send the same warm wishes to fathers all over the world!!

DID YOU KNOW that 84 countries celebrate Father’s Day on the 3rd Sunday in June, the USA, Singapore, Mexico, Canada, France, Ireland, Argentina, Greece, and the United Kingdom among them?

More about Vertis Norton and ASEA

Vertis Norton is the founder of ASEA, an emerging global leader in cellular health. The company provides high-quality cellular health products through a direct-selling distribution model. ASEA offers first-to-market products that utilize molecules native to the human body that enhance vital cellular functions. ASEA products are sold direct, contact us to find out more about the business opportunity, Learn more about ASEA and hear from Vertis directly in this 2016 convention video from ASEA Global.

Do you have questions about ASEA? Contact us!