DID YOU KNOW that “Google Scholar” is a specialized search engine which looks much like Google search but searches only for scholarly articles?
It is a free search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across a wide array of publishing formats and disciplines
DID YOU KNOW that unlike www.PubMed.gov, which searches a well-defined set of journals, Google Scholar includes resources beyond journals? Scholarly resources include what is referred to as “Gray Literature”.
Gray Literature is the term for information that falls outside the mainstream of published journals. Peer-reviewed clinical trials, university studies, dissertations by experts and researchers in a certain field. This increased access to more diverse biomedical literature is valuable in the public health field.
Search on Google Scholar
DID YOU KNOW that if you refer someone to Google Scholar and ask them to search “redox signaling molecules”, they are likely to find 460,000 results?
Using Google is familiar and easy for people. Here is where you find it: https://scholar.google.com/
What a great way to glimpse the vast amount of research from which our products emerged!