There were lots of NEW topics announced at the 2017 ASEA Global Convention! 

NEW… Science, Relaunch, Messaging, Countries, Headquarters, and Tools!

2017 ASEA Global Convention


A New Message

DID YOU KNOW that our new strategy is to SIMPLIFY our message? A few people may need more, but for most people, we just need to convey with conviction, clarity and confidence that “This is what it is; this is what it does; this is what you need.

A New Scientific Study

DID YOU KNOW that the new scientific study on ASEA shows that it “turns on” genes that positively impact: 1) vascular health 2) digestive health & digestive enzyme production 3) hormone modulation 4) immune health 5) and inflammation control? Every single one of the participants taking ASEA experienced 20-31% improvement, and every single one lost the benefits after 8 weeks post-study. See the summary in you VO/BackOffice Resources Library science section or in Science section Download here

ASEA Cell Signaling Supplement

A New Look

DID YOU KNOW that “ASEA REDOX Cell Signaling Supplement” now has a whole new look, new packaging, and a whole new label? There is now a simple “presentation” on the bottle. We are a strategically advantaged company. REDOX and CELL SIGNALING are now included in the name

New Countries

DID YOU KNOW that ASEA is expanding into ASIA, a part of the world with over half the world’s population and half of all internet users in the world? The following new countries are opening this fall: Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

And New Tools

DID YOU KNOW that this new, simplified messaging is made possible by the remarkable findings of the new scientific study? New tools are now available.. see your back office/VirtualOffice Resources/Library as these become available… Detail can be seen now in asea Products section

A Huge Charity Impact

DID YOU KNOW that $200,000 was raised for the humanitarian efforts of the ASEA Advancing Life Foundation by Associates during the Convention?

Here is the talk that ASEA Founder and Chairman Tyler Norton gave on the final day of Convention. Facebook Link Here

Video of Deni Robinson at the 2017 ASEA Global Convention

And here is a short summary pdf by David Stretanski – please download.

Oct 2, 2017