ASEA Leader in Michigan

Jacque Jennings-Carter

Jacque Jennings CarterPlatinum ASEA Associate


Jacque Jennings-Carter earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Interpersonal Communication with emphasis on Organizational Communication and Public Relations and a Master’s Degrees in Organizational Communication at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She spent 25 years in the corporate world in mid-to-upper level management positions. Her work over those years included special events, shopping center management, marketing, advertising, and public relations. She received more than 25 local, regional, national, and international marketing awards.

She has been a member of Rotary International since 1987 and served as her Club’s president. She is a member of the Executive Leadership Team for the American Heart Association of Southwest Michigan’s “Go Red for Women” Annual Fundraiser.

Jacque began educating herself about alternative health in 1998 and realized she had found her passion and her life’s purpose. She retired from her corporate position and has been changing lives, physically and financially, through alternative health ever since.

Jacque was introduced to redox signaling molecules and joined the ASEA MLM business in 2009. She says that when she “learned the facts, it was a no-brainer!”

“It became clear to me that without enough redox signaling molecules in the body, health can significantly decline, disease can develop, aging can accelerate. Investing in our health costs money, but it costs a lot more money to be sick.”

She says that ASEA has positively affected every aspect of her life and that she feels 25 years younger.

“I’ve met wonderful people, have an amazing team, and have helped thousands of people, many of whom I do not know, improve their lives. While money is important, it isn’t solely about the money for me. It is about serving, helping others, and leaving the world a better place.”

Jacque Jennings Carter

Jacque with her daughter Ashley.

As a team leader, Jacque truly cares about what happens to her team members and wants them to be successful.

“I let people be who they are and try not to push them to do things they aren’t ready for. Although, if they want me to push them, I will! Each individual has his/her own timeframe in which to develop their ASEA business and achieve personal goals, so it needs to be about what they want to accomplish, not what I want. I’m authentic. Integrity first.”
~ Jacque Jennings-Carter


Jacque is an active advocate for those who are most at risk and works and gives tirelessly on behalf of children, animals, survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, victims of human trafficking, mental illness, and the elderly. She received the Distinguished Service Award from the USTA Nationals Boys 18s & 16s Tennis Championships for her years of service.

She says she has a wonderful daughter, Ashley Carter Youngblood, a fabulous son-in-law, Jake Youngblood, and two adorable granddogs, Max and Sunny.

If you live in Michigan and are interested in speaking with Jacque Jennings-Carter, Contact us and we’ll connect you!

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