Salt Lake City Utah ASEA Leader

Dr. Stan & Cristie Gardner

Diamond Executives

Direct contact

801.875.1964 or 1miraclezone at gmail 

One would think that the Gardners would be ready to go from the start with a company like ASEA. Stan’s practice of providing alternatives to drugs and surgery for his medical patients combined with Cristie’s desire to “step outside the comfort zone in order to step into your miracle zone” would seem to make things a perfect fit for ASEA. But to the contrary, the Gardners were very resistant when their good friend Trish Schwenkler initially told them about ASEA.  They had spent a few years in another MLM company and the experience had “turned them off” about MLM.


“Fortunately, Trish’s kind and subtle efforts opened the door for us to want to learn more about ASEA,” Cristie says. So Stan seriously looked at the science behind ASEA and although the two had resolved to never “do” network marketing again, they were very intrigued with the ASEA product. The wheels were turning for Stan. “The product was most attractive to me because it could add elements to my practice that were needed,” he says.

And Cristie was looking for something more to do with her time now that the kids were grown and moving on. But not just any old thing would do because Cristie is very active and wants her time to count. She was looking something that she could passionately engage in. She wanted something that would help with their retirement. Even the medical business is “time for money” and the Gardners were keen on the concept of residual income.


Their investigation had reassured them that the product was solid, so next they looked closely at the company, the ethos, the opportunity.  “We quickly realized the Founders are astute business men, with a heart,” exclaims Cristie. “Both Verdis and Jim are already financially well off, so they could have sold the technology or simply passed on it. But they have a greater commitment to the people in ASEA, and we have a common bond as Associates, to share this incredible new discovery with others.” Stan adds, “Verdis has set a world standard for how to build a solid company, so that then set a standard for how we can build ours.”

“Initially, ASEA was just going to be my gig,” Cristie chucles. “But the more we learned about ASEA, the more excited we became about working together!” The Gardners began telling their friends, family, and associates about ASEA. Now Stan has been using ASEA with his patients for the past two years and he is impressed with the results. “Its ability to improve the body’s ability to heal itself is nothing short of astounding,” he says.

Working together, Stan and Cristie realize that a successful outcome requires both the decision and the action, so Cristie helps their Associates to make a decision and to follow with consistent action. “Make a decision and move forward past distractions, making constant course corrections as you continue to progress.” Stan says, “Identify your resources that are unique to you, and develop them to your full advantage while learning from your upline the proven principles for success in ASEA. Don’t reinvent the wheel.”

The Gardners naturally build strong relationships and this relationship effect within their team has helped the Gardners experience success with ASEA, achieving Diamond executive position and qualifying for the European cruise. “That cruise was the highlight of the year!” says Stan. Their next goal is to reach Double Diamond.

The Gardners’ desire is to help each of their Associates to achieve their own personal success in their business and they know this can be achieved with ASEA. “The lives that have been changed physically with the product, are a big accomplishment,” says Stan. “Another huge accomplishment is the mental and emotional changes that have taken place in the lives of our Associates as they have faced their fears and moved forward in their lives.”

The Gardners feel like ASEA is like being home. “This fits my life purpose and passion on so many levels,” says Cristie. “I get to work with my husband and help others enjoy better health while becoming their best self.” Stan continues, “ASEA has opened the way for a retirement that is filled with purpose and service.”

The Gardners enthusiastically say to those looking to help others succeed and be their best, living a healthy life, enjoying increased residual income, and more— “Welcome to ASEA! Welcome home!”

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