ASEA Diamond Associate

Lourene Bevaart has been involved in the health and fitness profession for over 35 years. She started out as a Secondary Physical Education School Teacher, then started a Personal Training Business which included Corporate Fitness and Corporate Speaking.
Lourene applied to participate on the TV series “Gladiators”. This led to the opportunity to train the famous actor Russell Crowe. What was supposed to be a 6-month contact for his movie Proof of Life with Meg Ryan became one that was extended for another 5 years.
Lourene joined ASEA in 2014. When a friend first introduced her to redox signaling and ASEA, and told her his own triumphant personal story of health recovery, she was resistant. She was a single mum with two toddlers, and she was in serious debt. She was dealing with stress and a huge financial burden. At the same time, Lourene felt that spending an 8-hour day working for someone else and “selling time for money” wasn’t the answer for her. She wanted to drive her children to and from school and to be there for them as much as she could. So she decided to give ASEA a chance.

“I knew that an 8-hour/day job wasn’t going to free me from debt and create the life I wanted for my girls and myself. It is very difficult to be able to double your income when you have a ‘job’. A pay raise is often 2% when inflation is closer to 10%. With network marketing, it’s possible to get twice as many customers or team builders in a year, which in turn can double your income!”
Lourene believes that one of the benefits of the network marketing MLM business is personal development.
“In ASEA, to become successful you have to help others become successful! It’s very rewarding to see and feel your own growth and also watch other people grow and become better. It’s also great to be surrounded by fun, ambitious, like-minded people!”
Lourene says that the ASEA company, products, and ethos have changed her significantly. Not only is she feeling amazingly healthy, she says, but she also feels more grateful for all the things she has experienced. She is grateful for the life she has created for her girls and herself and for the freedom she has to create wonderful memories. She also says she has met the most amazing people in ASEA and made many new friends.
Lourene is now debt-free. She has the time freedom and growing financial freedom she desired.
“I lead by example, and my goal is to teach and guide my team every step of the way. I help my team members to develop more belief and confidence in their own abilities to have more, do more, and become more.” ~ Lourene Bevaart
Check out this post and video interview Trish Schwenkler had with Lourene Bevaart.