Meet the Villagers is a video series presented by ASEA’s Advancing Life Foundation. The foundation is working with Vision Cambodia. One of the initiatives of the ASEA Advancing Life Foundation is in conjunction with Vision Cambodia. The focus is to alleviate suffering and improve the lives of rural Cambodians through clean water, increased literacy, and mico-business development.
Please watch the videos to learn more about this initiative.
Vision Cambodia and Advancing Life Foundation

VIDEO: Meet the Villager: Kosal in Cambodia
Kosal helps educate people in his community in Cambodia. In this video, he explains how the installation of freshwater wells is changing the lives of many families in need.
VIDEO: Meet the Villagers: Fetching Water
This video shows how the poor are currently drinking water from this dirty river. The initiative will build clean wells to provide good water for the people.
VIDEO: Meet the Villagers- Children Are the Future
This video introduces us to a grade 4 in a Cambodian school. The children raise their hands to share what they want to be when they grow up.
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