RENUAdvanced RENU28

RENU 28 redox gelRENU28 Revitalizing Redox Gel

RENU28 is a topical REDOX gel, it is based on the same Redox Signaling Molecule Technology that makes the ASEA Redox Supplement so effective. Redox Signaling Molecules are naturally created within every cell in every body. These molecules are vital to your immune system and to the mechanisms for the cellular healing of the body. Cellular healing is enabled by a proper supply of Redox Signaling. However, as we get older, our cells make less of these. Applied topically RENU28 can:

  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and cellulite
  • Soothes your skin from minor Irritants

    and Eases muscle discomfort from exercise

What is RENU28?

RENU28 is NOT your normal skincare product. It does not contain moisturizers or chemicals that puff up the skin, or nutrients that “feed” the skin.

RENU28 IS the world’s first and only concentration of Redox Signaling Molecules in a topical gel. There are only 4 Ingredients! All safe, non-hazard, simple. These 4 ingredients are the elements that make and carriers of the concentrated Redox Signaling Molecules.

What does “28” mean in RENU28?

RENU 28 have been obtained in clinical tests showing improvements of 22-23% in wrinkles, skin texture, and smoothness in less than 28 days.




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