ASEA Double Diamond Associate

Sally Dymond was a therapist for 28 years trained in alternative modalities including acupuncture, remedial massage, SCENAR therapy, and bioresonance.
Working 40 hours a week and raising two young children was not an easy task. “I could never get on top of my to-do list, and I never had all the school holidays off with my children. I was always juggling,” she says.
Sally was initially drawn to ASEA by RENU 28 redox signaling gel because of skin problems she was experiencing at the time. Since using RENU 28, she says “My skin looks and feels amazing. Never before have I had skin that was so smooth and soft.”
The amazing results on her skin led her to introduce the product to family members, friends, and clients. Seeing them also experience fast results became a turning point in her life. She decided to join ASEA.
At first, Sally encountered time as an obstacle to getting starting with her ASEA business. She says she had to reassess the use of her time. She decided to give up doing a lot of things in the beginning. She believed that doing that would give her much more freedom later on.
To maintain her momentum each day, Sally likes to keep things super simple. “Get in, get it done, and get out of there,” she says.
Sally believes in balance and makes sure she has time to go cycling, do yoga, read, and spend time with her family.
“If I meet someone, they will always hear about how ASEA can help them . I love to be a moving billboard for ASEA! The company motto of ‘Believe, Belong, Become’ sums it up. These are the tribe of people I try to inspire and belong to.” ~ Sally Dymond