Australia ASEA Platinum Associates

DID YOU KNOW that Stevie Aquilina ran away from home at 15 and has never been back? He knows what it’s like to be poor. At one time, he had no place to live. He and his wife Sarah now have 4 boys that they home-school in Sydney, Australia.

Four years ago, they had to borrow money to begin their ASEA business. Now Platinum Associates, Stevie says, “It’s our main income. It’s our best income, and it’s the most rewarding income!”

Sarah talks about how they structure their day so that they can have the life they want, with hands-on schooling, flexible schedules that work for everyone, and a lifestyle that supports each of their children’s needs.

Listen to the Aquilina Story

Summary Transcription

Stevie and Sara Aquilina live in Sydney, Australia, have been homeschooling their four children, and have quickly become profitable with ASEA. They have been with ASEA for just over four years and have already reached the level of Platinum Associates.

Stevie explained that when they were introduced to ASEA they didn’t have any money, and barely had a place to live, he said “I never want to go back, never want to go back to that. I figured out in this life, that you’re either a drawcard or your drawback. And the best way you can help those in need is to not be someone in need. “

They were attracted to the business model of ASEA because they needed to get started right away and didn’t have much money to start a home-based business.” Stevie was embarrassed to say that they reluctantly approached his father-in-law to borrow some money, but they were able to pay back the loan by the next week! In that week they were able to introduce six people to ASEA within the first five days, and those people’s lives were improved significantly.

If you have the desire and the passion and you really want to do this business, that there shouldn’t be anything stopping you let your children be the reason why you do this and not the excuses not to do it.

Sara Aquilina

The ASEA mission is to better people’s lives and to be a force for good in the world. And that’s done through ASEA’s life-changing products, life-changing culture, and also life-changing financial opportunity. Having more means that you can do more and it means that you can give more. And then in turn will allow you to create more again and pass it on to others and now others.

Steview Aquilina

“This is what we do full time. It’s our main income. It’s our best income. It’s our most rewarding income” – Stevie said but it is not just the income how they have been help people with ASEA’s life-changing products.

Platinum Associates The Aquilina’s in Australia

Contact us to connect with them.

Repost: Feb 2021

Original: Dec 2019

ASEA Leader Spotlight | ASEA Leaders